Sunday, July 29, 2007

stagnating. like a puddle of water. breeding mosquitoes. ok, that doesn't really make sense, but w/e

552. Again. It's been 4 freakin' months and I'm still at 550+. This cannot, MUST NOT go on. tsk tsk tsk. No.... this is no way to continue. Maybe I should start doing what some of the other shooters have been doing. Chanting those self motivational lines (eg. I am a [insert desired score here] shooter. I am a [insert desired score here. again.] shooter. etc etc). Well, whatever works, so here I go.

I am a 570 shooter.
I am a 570 shooter.
I am a 570 shooter.
I am a 570 shooter.
I am a 570 shooter.
I am a 570 shooter.

OK. There. Should be able to hit 570 by next monthly shoot. Or this doesn't work and I'll abandon this avenue of thought. Maybe just one more line.

I am a 570 shooter.

Never hurts to be safe. (:

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