Wednesday, May 30, 2007

caffeine driven

Made it through the whole day on a single cup of coffee.(!) Didn't really have much of a choice seeing as how I only have a measly 20 cents left for the rest of the month.


I'm not in the mood for elaboration on my day so here's a somewhat brief summary. Somewhat.

Went to school. Walked around CJ randomly with Andrew tagging along. Did you know that there are water bottles almost everywhere in CJ? So far, I've seen bottles in the canteen, LT2, LT4, LT5, LT3 and the school range. We must have lots of thirsty people around.

Went to the range for half an our then left for bio lect. Not a very productive lecture, I must say. Didn't bring anything and spent the whole lecture talking trash. Went back to the range, saw (^^) on the way. Went to safra after a while. Saw (^^) again on the way out. LOL

Packed our shooting stuff at safra then brought said stuff over to HTNS. I swear, that place is in the middle of nowhere. Played cards to kill time. Pumped cylinders after the school teams finished training. Don broke the pump. ROFLMAO

Took bus/mrt/bus home.



That was my day. How was yours? Tag your replies. (:

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